Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Pacific Grove

Robert Hamilton
We enjoy a quick trip to Pacific Grove visiting a relative after our tournament. Saw a squirrel and some deer. Dipped our toes in the freezing cold Pacific Ocean. Glad Hawaii's ocean is warmer.
Cold Ocean


Lance Hamilton
You have to admit, Lance looks good displaying his trophies.
Two Trophies

Inline Hockey Player

Monday, June 19, 2017

Skills Competition

16u Gold Sniper
Lance entered two Skills Competition contests (16u Gold and 18u Silver). He didn't win anything in the 16u. (Second place fastest skater.) But he won big in the 18u Silver Division, Sniper and Fastest Skater winner.
Shooting Competition

Skills Winner

Hockey Tournament Winner

Narch Finals 2017
In 16u Gold, Lance's team won the Bronze medals, and in 18u Silver we won gold.


Silicon Valley Quakes
NARCh Tournament is a great place to see old friends and make some new ones and enjoy a game together.
HB Groove


Gary's T-Shirt


Happy to see family members in California who came to see us at the San Jose tournament. Aunt Wendy, Cousin Shawn with daughter Alana.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

18u Silver Division Champs

18u Silver
Lance's Hawaii team KIHA WARRIORS pounds all the 18u Silver Div. teams and easily takes the NARCh trophy.

We should have played in the gold division.
Gold Medal

Trophy Winners

NARCh Trophy

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Silicon Valley Quakes

Silicon Valley Quakes
Thanks to our friend Gary, Lance gets to play 16u Gold on the Silicon Valley Quakes team at NARCh Finals in San Jose.

San Jose Inline Hockey

What's Your Number?

Black Jersey

Friday, June 16, 2017

Fun & Games

Lance and Nathan have some foosball fun at Silvercreek.


16u Platinum AAA
AAA 16u platinum team Skittles also played 18u gold division. Would love Lance to play on this team.
NARCh San Jose
Inline Hockey Team

Silvercreek Sportsplex

Lance and his buddy Nathan arrive in San Jose at the Silvercreek Sportsplex Summer 2017 NARCh Finals.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Hawaiian Air

Kahului Airport

Captain Hogg
We fly through Kahului Airport on our way to San Jose. Learned that OGG comes from Hawaiian Air pilot Capt. Hogg.